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Healthcare Workers & Cell Phones
by mdsassociatesDespite improvements in prevention strategies and therapies, hospital acquired infections (HAIs) remain a leading problem within health systems and are steadily increasing around the world.
Studies show that there is a definite colonization of bacteriacapable of transferring disease-producing microbes (which are viable for prolonged periods of time) making it easy for staff, patients and visitors to spread infection.
Nearly every healthcare worker (HCW) has a mobile device in their pocket, and many of them are using their mobile devices during work. Despite the high possibility of being contaminated,personal tabletsandcell phones are rarely sanitizedafter lavatory breaks, the handling of specimens and/or patient interactions as if they were a stethoscope or blood pressure cuff.
Due to the benefits of mobile phones and tablets, their hazard to human health is often overlooked. Without regulations around the use of mobile telephones in hospital settings, the potential risks of using cellular phones can unknowingly lead to the transfer of micro-organisms possibly leading to nosocomial infections also calledhealth-care-associated or hospital-acquired infections.
There is an easy, affordable and effective solution to reduce the issue of bacterial cross-contamination among the healthcare community, visitors and patients alike that help drive changes in mobile device hygiene practices without the use of chemicals or disinfectants that could damage your device.
For pennies, you can now cover and protect your valuable mobile device with our convenient, easy-to-use disposable, touch-sensitive transparent cell phone covers. These swipe-compatible crystal clear cell phone covers are available in a variety of sizes in two styles!