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The Evolution® of Head Protection
by mdsassociatesThe Evolution of Hard Hats Starts with the Evolution® 6100 Series
OSHA regulations mandate specific requirements for head protection in the workplace and require employers to provide hard hats for workers to wear whenever there is a potential for head injury from “impacts, falling or flying objects, or electrical shock.”
Hard hats are often viewed as obtrusive, unattractive, bulky and many claim uncomfortable to wear for extended periods of time. Having operators wear head protection is perhaps the most difficult safety device to enforce.
Made with innovative and industry leading safety features, from thePIP®series of head protection, the JSP® Evolution® 6100 Series of hard hats are some of the most feature rich hard hats available today!
Available in a variety of vented and non-vented styles and in an array of colors, the JSP® Evolution® 6100 series of hard hats offers several innovative and industry leading features while maximizing personal safety and all day comfort.
+read more about JSP® Evolution® 6100 Series Hard Hats here