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Rid the Metal Taste with MetaQil® Oral Rinse
by mdsassociates
Those who are affected by dysgeusia often describe the condition as having persistent and overwhelming metal, rancid, sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Those who suffer from it say it is like sucking on a penny or foil paper.
This sensation is not affected by the flavors of foods. In fact, it produces the opposite effect, making even favorite meals taste unpleasant.
A metallic taste may cause loss of appetite, interfere with eating habits and, in turn, cause inadequate nutrient intake which is a critical component in cancer treatments. Not anymore!
MetaQil® Oral Rinse is helping relieve the symptoms of metal taste from medications, chemotherapy, radiation or certain health conditions and makes the mouth feel refreshed and normal again. It does not interact with prescription drugs or chemo therapy and is helping many patients gain back their appeitite and lost weight!
MetaQil® oral wash has a very mild flavor and does not burn or sting the mouth like typical mouthwash. MetaQil® uses FDA safe ingrediants and contains essential oils that are scientifically proven to comfort taste disorders. Available in two sizes.
MDS Associates is proud to announce this new product to its line-up.
+Read more about MetaQil® Oral Rinse here
+Shop for MetaQil® Oral Rinse here