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Keystone Safety Launches a Line of Cleanroom Apparel that Rivals Tyvek®
by mdsassociates
Tue, Sep 26th 2017 09:35 am
Recent advances in technology has created a fabriccalled Microporousand it's similar to Tyvek® in look, touch, performance and protective garments are sold at a fraction of the cost. Keystone® Safety has launched a new line of ISO Class 6 single-use cleanroom apparel. Made of microporous laminate material, it rival Dupont's Tyvek® in look, touch and performance.
KeyGuard® microporous frocks and bunny suit coveralls are sold at a fraction of the price and will save operations big money. These protective garments are low shedding, low-lint, low particulate and antistatic treated to protect against sensitive products. Designed for controlled environments where fibers and particulate contamination is a concern, they are ideal for asbestos abatement, food processing, paint spraying, pesticide spraying, fiberglass handling, lab/biohazards, cleanroom, medical, general cleaning, metal surface treating, pharmaceutical industry.
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