Young® Contra Petite Web™ LF Prophy Angles (1200ct)
Product Code :40-6201200 Count Offers Best Savings!
This Young® Dentalsingle-use prophy angle4-webbed design is to improve stain and biofilm removal. The Petite Web has the greatest amount of flare, making it a natural choice for polishing at the gingival margin, buccal, lingual, and interproximal areas. The short cup makes it easier to access hard-to-reach areas. Recommended for: All patients, especially patients with smaller to normal sized dentition and patients with a sensitive gag reflex. Individually wrapped.
MDS honors all Young Dental corporate promotions-please call for quarterly specials
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Manf: Young® Dental: Soft Purple Cup #154612, Firm Cup #154712
Packed: 1200 per carton
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