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Condensation Can BeaKillertoCollectible Antique Automobiles

Just because we can't see potential harm doesn't mean you won't see it eventually, and forces such as high humidity or airborne moisture can ruin automobile interior fabrics and components beyound repair in a reatively short period of time.Automotive Interior Condensation

Those little white or brown paper "DO NOT EAT"desiccantpackets from China are commonly used to protect and prolong the quality of shoes, pills, electronics, purses, beef jerky and more but why aren't they used to protect the interiors of automobiles吗?毕竟,cars put into seasonal storage or sealed for extended periods of time are atgreatrisk to mold, mildew and/or corrosion damage!

The wife probably has totes full of clothing or shoes filled with some type of fresh packs...but do you have a moisture absorber/mold pack to preserve, prolong and protect the interior of your antique, classic collectible, muscle or exotic sports cars when in storage? If they are good enough for a $50 pair or shoes or a $5 bag of beef jerky, they should most certainly be good enough for your beloved vehicle.

Protects Against the Threats We Can't See!

Storage units, sheds or garages are often enclosed, dark and made of a metal component that heats up and cools down with changing weather conditions and temperatures. Automobiles parked, stored and sealed inside these structures or placed within museums for months are at graverisk to mold, mildew and rust. How you may ask? Well in a nutshell, as the temperatures changes, it creates condensation within the unit and inside the car that destructive mold and mildew thrive in. In fact, the musty odor you sometimes smell is digestive excrement, or to be blunt - your interior, so I'm told.

Preserve, Prolong & Protect Antique Classic Collectable Automotive Interiors with CarSorbDesiccant Dehumidifier

Once mold and mildew make its home, it's overfor your interior. There is no cleaning agent that we know that will safely remove or clean the stains and using chemicals will only dry and eventually crack the upholstry, and there's the concern over airborne VOC's.For a few dollars, our humidity absorber and mold inhibitor storage pouches maintain relative humidty to keep car interiors dry and fresh when in storage or sealed for extended periods.

Stop Recharging or Pouring Out That Moisture Absorber! There's No Dehumidifier on the Maket That Can Do What Ours Can!These Storage Packs Starve Away Mold, Mildew & Corrosion!

This line of commercial-grade industrial desiccants are designed to safeguard the interior components and fabrics of your antique, classic collectible, exotic sport or muscle car. CarSorb™ Moisture Absorber and Mold Rust Inhibitor Packs were originally patented to absorb"cargo sweat"in oceanic shipping containers carrying electronics, equipment, clothing, equipment, spices and food and much more.

This innovative absorber pouch attracts, captures and converts moisture into crystals preventing potential mold, mildew or corrosion damages to automotive interiors up to 90+ days (depending on humidity). Air activated technology automatically shuts “off” and turns "on" in the presence of moisture with NO water by-product.

CarSorbMoisture Absorber and Mold Inhibitor Packs don't have to be removed when moving, transporting or operating vehicles or vessles making it perfect for year round use. Easily, safely and effectively protects all automotive interior surfaces, materials and components such as leather, vinyl, PVC, steel, aluminum, wood and more.

Here are some other product features:CarSorb™水分Absorber & Mold Inhibitor Storage Packs

  • Non-Toxic
  • No Water By-Product
  • Non-Corrosive
  • No VOC's
  • Fragrance-Free
  • Disposes Safely in Trash
  • Safe for All Surfaces

简单的我们e-just toss 1 or 2 pouches in the front and back footwells and 1 in the trunk and close car - your interior is now protected! Perfect for storage units, dealerships, yard storage, car carriers, sheds, barns and seasonal storage.

Shop Now

One 7" x 11" size 500 gram weight bag treats 36 cubic feet (3’ x 4’ x 3’) area.Available in 4 packs and for wholesale storage applications-bulk master cartons.

+Ask for samples or place an order for CarSorbMoisture Absorber & Mold/Rust Inhibitor Pouches here

Hanging nets available - contact us!

Contact us with questions, samples, volume discounts, resale inquiries anytime Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm E.S.T.

+800.274.4637 | +716.668.4001 |[email protected]|MDSassociates.com